View Profile SouleMan86
Hi, My names Ryan, I'm a struggling writer and musician. I go to Ex'pression college for Digital Arts. My major is Animation and Visual effects. I also do music. i write and produce all my own work for your enjoyment.

Age 96, Male

Screenwriter/ music

Ex'pressions/ Emeryville Cali.

Alameda sometimes L.A CAL

Joined on 8/9/07

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220 / 280
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hey Everyone, My dad called me a few days ago just to tell me this joke. I thought it was hilarious so here it is.

Once there was a man who toke long walks along side a large river everyday. one day the man was walking along the river when he saw this women with no arms and no legs sitting by the edge of the river. He walked up to the woman and she asked him for a favor. She said "Excuse me sir but...i've never been hugged before. Can you give me a hug?"
The man politly agreed to hug the woman. He came close and wraps his arms around her body and said "There, now you've been hugged." And with that he walked away and he continued his walk down the river.

The next day the man was once again on his walk and once again he sees the same woman with no arms or legs sitting by the river. He walks up to the woman again as she asked him for another favor. She says "excuse me kind sir but...I've never been kissed before either. Would you kiss me?"

The man looks around and says "alright". He bends over and kisses her right on the lips and says "there, now you've been kissed". He once again walks away and continues on down the river.

The next day the man was walking by the river, he sees the same old women just sitting there. He once again walks up to her as she asked him for one last favor. She says "Excuse me kind sir...but I've never been fucked before...Would you fuck me?"

The man once again looks around and agrees. He bends over and picks up the woman with no arms or legs and tosses her into the river. He yells out to her. "there! Now your fucked!"